
Beyond Compliance: Ensuring ultimate food & beverage quality control From sample homogenization to protein analysis

Do you encounter challenges in maintaining highest quality and safety standards in your food & beverage research and production?

In this webinar you will learn how lab and analysis equipment from Verder Scientific will make your life easier by providing the results you need in sample homogenization, particle characterization, protein and thermogravimetric analysis and ashing.

Webinar opnames

Taal : Engels 


How to conduct reproducible sample preparation for food analysis

Taal Engels
Presented by:Dr. Lena Weigold, Product Manager & Application Specialist

For accurate analysis results, sample preparation should be as efficient as possible to ensure that the sample truly reflects the original sample. Based on numerous application examples, RETSCH will explain how to find the best suited preparation method for specific materials as well as the appropriate laboratory mill, including  cryogenic grinding technology.

Is Dynamic Image Analysis the best method for quality control of coffee powder?

Taal Engels
Presented by:Kai Düffels, Application Engineer

The grind size of coffee powder has a direct influence on the taste of the beverage, and different forms of preparation require specific particle size distributions. Coffee powders have a wide range of particle sizes and therefore pose a challenge to the measurement equipment. With numerous application examples we will demonstrate why image analysis is the best suited method for characterizing coffee powder particles.

The Future of Food: Enhancing Plant Protein Integration with Turbiscan Technology

Taal Engels
Presented by:Serife Korkmaz, TURBISCAN Product Specialist

Plant-based protein use has been expanding over the past years and offers numerous advantages: sustainable origins, vegan alternatives, cost-efficiency, and health benefits. Proteins obtained from sustainable sources do not have the same performance compared to conventional emulsifiers, and selecting the right protein can represent a bottleneck in product development. In this slot we present solutions to study the emulsifying and stabilizing properties of plant-based protein in a single experiment.

Drying and ashing of organic substances and analysis of the nitrogen/protein content according to the Dumas method

Taal Engels 
Presented by:Fabian Uhlemann-Kölly, Head of Marketing & Product Management 
 Dr. Murhat Kükrek, Product Manager 

Before analyzing large amounts of organic matter, it is recommended to dry and remove the water it contains. Otherwise the ashing process will be slowed down and inhibited and a strong odor will appear. The resulting dry mass is the basis for protein analysis which can be carried out with ELTRA's new ELEMENTRAC CN-r analyzer in only a few minutes. ELTRA & CARBOLITE GERO understand the challenges of the process and will guide you to the right solution.

Webinar opnames

Taal : Engels 


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